Hammerwich Pre-War Gathering

Hammerwich Cricket Club - Burntwood Road - WS7 0JQ

Sunday April 6th

Currently, many car shows are Classic Car Shows, nothing wrong there, but often pre-war cars are in the minority, so the On-Line Austin 7 Club have chosen to invite pre-war cars only to this event, and we hope that some members who own a pre-war car will be able to psrticipate.  The flyer below gives all relevant information but please make contact with Jamette Horton,our Pre-War Registrar, who will co-ordinate the CPUK presence at the show. Email: prewar@clubpeugeotuk.org

Hammerwich is midway between Lichfield and Burntwood, Staffordshire, and is approx. 20 miles north of Birmingham.  The Cricket Club is an ideal venue because it has all necessary facilities and plenty of space.